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Product Features

In Ant Simulator, you can set a variey of parameters before the simulation starts:

  • number of ant nests (up to two) and the positions of the nests​

  • colony size (up to 500), and the number of worker ants and soldier ants in each colony

  • species of ants (choose from Carpenter ant or Leafcutter ant)

  • time of day (either day or night)

  • weather condition (choose from Clear, Rainy, or Snow)

  • duration of the simulation (infinite, or up to 20 minutes)

  • number of food sources (up to 25)

  • number of obstacles (up to 50)

  • randomize the locations of the obstacles and food sources


Ant Simulator provides the user with a set of tools to manage the simulation in real time:

  • place or remove obstacles and food sources

  • place intruders

  • toggle between day or night

  • switch between Clear, Rainy, or Snow weather

  • toggle pheromone trail visibility on or off

  • use insecticide on ants, spiders or even the ant nest itself

  • toggle color tracking of ants on or off, to be better able to see the ants

  • adjust the ants' energy levels; energy determines how long an ant stays out of the nest

  • adjust the pheromone trail vaporization rate; the faster the rate, the shorter the trail stays active

  • adjust the growth rate of the ant nests; the faster the growth rate, the faster new ants are produced

  • adjust the scout exploration radius: the shorter the radius, the lower the minimum distance where the new nest must be away from the old ant nest 


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