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Ant Simulator

Ant Simulator is a scientific program that can be used for learning or visualizing various ant behaviors.


To be an avenue for research: Ant Simulator aims to be a platform for ant research of all kinds. This means there has to be a wide variety of ant behaviors modelled in the simulator, with various parameters that can be changed on-the-fly to observe differences in those ant behaviors. In addition, Ant Simulator also provides detailed real-time statistics reporting and end-of-simulation data represented in line charts and bar graphs for easy viewing and comparison.


To be an educational tool: Ant Simulator aims to be a all-purpose educational tool for young children and students alike. As it shows the life of ants in and around the nest and what they do on a daily basis, it will be a great aid for learning ant biology.





To be an immersive and interactive experience: Ant Simulator aims to provide a fun experience for anyone using the program. Many of the objects in the environment can be interacted with, and new food sources, obstacles and intruders can be placed to affect the ants in different ways. Be it living the life of an ant through the ant-view, or an intruder spider running rampant through a field of ants, there are plenty of interesting scenarios in store. 

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